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You have the option to enroll in Medicare either by contacting Social Security directly or by being automatically enrolled when you turn 65.
If you've been receiving Social Security benefits for at least four months before reaching the age of 65, you'll automatically receive both Medicare Part A and Part B. However, you can choose to delay Part B if you have other qualifying health coverage.
For those who have applied for Social Security but haven't received benefits for the required duration, automatic enrollment in Medicare Part A will occur upon eligibility, and you'll need to apply for Part B separately.
If you are not yet receiving Social Security benefits, you can apply for Medicare in one of three ways:
If you are under the age of 65 and disabled, Medicare is accessible for individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits (SSDI). Typically, automatic enrollment in Medicare occurs after 24 months of eligibility for disability benefits.
Individuals with end-stage renal disease or Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) may have special eligibility rules for Medicare.
To ensure timely enrollment, sign up during the three months preceding your 65th birthday. This ensures that your coverage commences on the first day of your birthday month, except if your birth date falls on the first day of the month.
Missing the initial enrollment period may result in penalties or coverage gaps. If you miss the initial window, you may need to enroll during Medicare's general enrollment period.
Failure to enroll in Medicare on time may result in late fees. These penalties can be permanent and affect Part A, Part B, and Part D premiums. Timely enrollment is crucial to avoid these penalties and ensure cost-effective coverage.
Once you've enrolled, you'll receive a welcome kit by mail and your red, white, and blue Medicare card. Coverage start dates depend on when you enroll:
Are you seeking help to get clarity on your healthcare coverage choices? Allow our team of experts to guide you in understanding your basic benefits, and we can assist you in selecting the right supplemental plan.